You are in a situation in which you have come to believe that an existing conflict needs a constructive solution. In order to better understand the possibility of a mediation coming about, we show you the following options here.
Option 1. You agree with the other party
In this constellation, you have already agreed with the other party that you want to carry out mediation together. Call us and we will arrange a first appointment!
Option 2. You are ready to mediate, but the other party refuses
In this case, we offer you conflict advice. The goals of this consultation can vary:
- Is it possible to find ways together to motivate the other party to mediate?
- Another goal can be to develop a clear inner attitude for you and to work out a list of options for action based on this. For more information on conflict counseling, please click here.
Option 3. It is unclear whether the other party would agree to mediation.
In this case, too, there are at least two options for you to take:
- you look for the conversation yourself and suggest it to the other side or
- you instruct us to contact the other side. This can be done in writing or by telephone. In this case we charge between 30,00 € and 80,00 €, depending on the effort.
In the event that none of the options listed apply to you, you can of course call us at any time.